

All of us in the social good/sustainability communications realm got here out of a desire to deliver messages that could make a difference. Here at Public Address, we all dove in head first either full-time or on a freelance basis from various perches – cinematographers and directors entrenched in images that sell, news media producers, […]

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“Food Chains” Raises Food Sourcing Bar

The widely-acclaimed activist organization, the CIW (Coalition of Immokalee Workers) gets its due in the U.S. Food Chains, a documentary highlighting the organization’s fight for humane labor practices, opens in select cities and theaters this week. The hype around food – how it’s grown, where it comes from, and how it’s transported – has been both a societal and […]

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Sustainable Food Show and Tell

What happens when consumers hold the course, using their purchasing powers for good…food? Big food conglomerates listen. And, the sustainable food movement braces itself. Googling sustainable food, sustainable agriculture, and related movements can make the average consumer want to bury their head in the dirt next to the free range, grass fed, certified humane, certified […]

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Must Have Stellar Stories!

People don’t remember facts and figures, they remember stories. They connect with stories. And, they want more good ones. Effectively marketing the good that companies are doing depends on stellar stories.

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At times it seems as though news of a corporation’s revised CSR policies and achievements can stir up more murmuring and backlash than even their past misdeeds managed to provoke. It’s my fear that this sort of negative backlash to CSR efforts is having a very detrimental impact to the advancement of corporate social responsibility as a whole.

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